HBDI leadership and personality results
Making simple happen takes a lot of work
I am a global strategy and design executive with experience in: new products, internal start-ups, B2B2C, global audiences, product design and research operations and leadership. I have worked in small, medium, and enterprise environments. I have both consulting and in-house experience, resulting in a breadth of work across industries.
My background focuses on human-computer interaction with a strong focus on research in usability and product value strategies. In my practice I strive for simplicity in all things. This state is incredibly difficult to wrangle products into as features and desires are constantly fluctuating. However, when people are able to easily leverage the interface and system we have designed, while discovering the “little things”, I know it was all worth the effort.
I constantly strive to connect the dots between groups on my team, empathize with client and management situations, and find the grand compromise that best supports the end user. I work best with a diverse group of people with a variety of skill sets and easily adapt to changing and unique working situations.
I'm passionate about building and leading teams of independent and ploy-skilled thinkers. I love working with people, driving change, and supporting the misfits.